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Blog Articles We Want to See

Writer: blogrewritethestarblogrewritethestar

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Are you looking for a way to expand your writing portfolio? Do you have opinions about the writing industry that you want to share with others, but don’t know how? Then we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you! Our blog is open year-round to submissions about everything from indie author interviews to opinionated articles. Here, we target new and aspiring authors to help them gain experience, whether that be submitting their pieces or publishing.

What happens after I submit?

Well, it’s a simple process. We will read through and analyse your work. This is usually done by only one Head of Content. If your piece fits the kind of content we publish and the writing style is appealing, we will pitch it to the other Heads of Content and discuss whether to accept it or not.

What if I get rejected?

There's no shame in that! Rejection is an integral part of expanding your writing portfolio and a great learning experience. If you have a 100% success rate, you won’t grow in your writing.

Our team is committed to being professional when working with outside writers and we understand the sting rejection brings. Don’t be afraid of failure and take the risk. When the day comes that you have another article for us to read, we’ll accept it eagerly!

It’s important to remember that rejections aren’t a mark of your writing at all. Rather, they are an expression of our tastes. For example, we were approached with an idea for an article about healing and wellness. While the article itself was written splendidly, it did not tie in with our magazine’s theme of publishing articles related to the writing and reading industry. So if you get rejected, maybe it just means you haven’t found the right idea yet :)

What if I get accepted?

We’ll send an official email to you confirming your acceptance. From then on, we will work together to polish and then publish your work. Whether that be going through one round of editing or more, we’re here to help you improve! Once the editing and revising process is over, we will send another email detailing the date your article gets published and the link to our blog page. Once the post is published, it’ll be shared on our social media to ensure your work gets the best possible reception we can offer!

Want to know what our Heads of the Blog Department would like to see?

Smrithi: The best kind of blogs are the ones with varied opinions and yet a common theme running throughout. All our blog posts share one trait that is evident from the post itself: the author’s passion for writing. Whether they are discussing their opinions on modern love interests or interviewing an indie author about how they published their book or giving readers ideas to inspire their writing, all of these authors genuinely love writing and want to give back to the writing community. So if you are submitting to us, this is what I want to see in your work. I want to see this passion. That means your article has to be written in your voice, and shouldn’t read like a forty-year-old academic who just swallowed a thesaurus. Don’t be afraid to be humorous in your submissions, don’t worry about whether you sound too “cringe” or informal. Our magazine is for teens after all; we don’t mind a dad joke every now and then :). With regards to specific posts I want to see, I love opinions of any kind! Give me all your hot takes on the latest booktok obsession. I also adore insightful posts that tell me something I don’t know. Think of Jeannie’s posts on historical references and obscure artwork. Enlighten me, dazzle me, and inspire me. Good luck <3

Jeannie: I love reading articles written distinctively in the author’s style. As an aspiring author myself, I often suffer from writing burnout and require inspiration. This is why I chose to write articles such as Artwork to Inspire Your Writing and Obscure Historical Ideas to Inspire Your Writing. I also enjoy reading about people’s niche opinions about the reading/writing community. If your article includes proper citation, grammar, and action for readers (if possible!), then it will make my editing process with you so much easier. Good luck with your submissions!

Madhusree: Opinions. I adore articles examining different viewpoints, especially when contextualised with the current trends in literature. I enjoy articles examining the portrayal of society in the literary world - whether it is good, bad, or the ugly. Sharp writing, engaging narratives and a passionate voice, that is the trifecta for me.

Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas:

  • Trope glorification

  • Writing how-to’s (ie, take a specific subtopic of writing and craft a guide for it)

  • Indie author interviews

  • Opinion pieces about trending topics

  • Important issues like AI, plagiarism, copyright and more

  • (If you’re a published author) publishing insights

No matter what article you submit, we’ll give it a chance! You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain, so why not submit? You can check out our submission guidelines here and submit your work here.

Look to the stars, and perhaps one day you’ll find your article among them.


To learn more about the authors, check out @sj_writessss and @theunwrittenstories101 on instagram


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