Rewrite The Stars
We are currently accepting submissions for:
Blog Article
Non fiction - All year round
Click here to know more.
We are looking for pieces that young readers can relate to, pieces that make you feel something. Stories and poems about the teenage experience, fantasy that readers can use as escapism, worlds that will suck them in completely, pieces that will strike the very core of human souls are highly encouraged! We also appreciate pieces that are silly, weird, and might be out of place anywhere else. We seek to promote any work that makes us feel any kind of emotion - whether that's amusement, dejection, or nostalgia. Please check our specific themes for what we seek for that theme though!
We currently accept submissions for our issues four times a year. (March, June, September, December). We are currently closed for issue submissions.
All pieces should be in English. If you are including any words in another language, please include translations below
Send all pieces as a Google Document/Word Document because this makes it easier to add comments and give feedback. If you are sending a Google Doc, make sure to give us commenting access
All pieces should be written in Times New Roman/EB Garamond and font size should be 11 or 12
We have changed our policy of reading name-blind, and will be reviewing submissions with the submitter's context in mind. We highly encourage all creators to add a note to their work so it helps us evaluate the context in which the piece was written and provides more depth to the work.
Add the relevant trigger/content warnings
Strictly no smut/anything sexual as this is a magazine for teens
Plagiarism, offensive slurs and hate speech are strictly not allowed, If we find any submissions with the same, we will delete it and bar the author from sending to us in the future. ​
We allow four kinds of submissions: prose, poetry, visual artwork, and creative non-fiction.
Per cycle, an author or artist may only submit to one category. Within that category, you can submit how many ever submissions are allowed for that particular category.
Specific limits and instructions for each category are listed below.
We will design an individual layout for each accepted piece, and reserve the right to design the layout as we believe best fits the piece.
For pieces that are accepted, contributors will be emailed about details of publication, issue release parties, and features on our blog. Contributors have the right to accept/decline invitations as they please.
Excerpts from accepted pieces will be promoted on our social media. The contributor reserves the right to choose whether they would like to be tagged or not.
No fiction or poetry submissions are allowed for our blog. Any such submissions will be deleted and rejected immediately.
Pieces must be engaging and interesting pieces related to the bookish and writing industry.
Any unrelated pieces such as makeup or skincare articles will be deleted and rejected immediately.
For any research-related article, authors are expected to cite their sources below.
Heads of blog department reserve the right to make any edits to the piece as they see fit.
We also reserve the right to later archive a blog post if we feel it does not resonate with the theme of our magazine on a later date.
We expect blog posts to be written in a fairly formal tone. Conversationality is fine, but a complete disregard of proper spelling and grammar is not.
Topics for blog posts are expected to be interesting and unusual, and entice readers.
Word count for blog posts is 500-800 words. We may accept longer articles, however this is dependant on the subject of the article itself.
Any forms of prose are accepted with a maximum limit of 1500 words.
Format it accordingly with the required line and paragraph breaks and submit as a Word Document or a Google Docs.
During a single cycle you can submit a maximum of 1 story of less than 1500 words, or 3 micro stories of less than 500 words each.
Attach them in the same document, split it with page breaks and submit it. ​
Any forms of poetry are accepted with a maximum limit of 30 lines. We are not strict on line count, however the poem must not exceed 2 pages.
Format it accordingly with the required line breaks and submit as a Word Document or a Google Docs.
During a single cycle you can submit a maximum of 3 poems. [For issue viii, we are only accepting one poem per author.]
Attach them in the same document, split it with page breaks and submit it. ​
We accept both digital and traditional art, however if it is traditional, we expect a good quality picture with no disturbances.
We allow a maximum of 3 pieces per submission. [For issue viii, we are only accepting one piece per artist.]
We ask that you merge all 3 of them into a single file and submit it. ​
Creative Non-Fiction:​
Creative non-fiction includes essays on current world issues, book reviews, personal anecdotes, etc.
We allow a maximum of 1 piece per submission, with a maximum word count of 1000 words.
A maximum of three pieces can be submitted.
The clarity must be high.
Should be submitted in JPEG format.​
Submission Categories
Creative Non-fiction
Our New Policies
If you submitted to a previous issue, you have to wait a whole cycle to submit to RTS again. For example, if you submitted to issue 8, you cannot submit to issue 9 and have to wait until issue 10 to submit to RTS again. This rule will go in place from today, i.e. if you submitted to issue 7 you can still submit to issue 8. This does not apply to features or mini issues, and you can submit to how many ever of those that you please.
When we first started our magazine, we didn't have a lot of submitters so we wanted to encourage whoever wanted to to submit. However, now we believe we have a decent enough reach not to worry about reaching an adequate number of submissions, and thus we want to promote more writers instead of the same writers again. Don't get us wrong - we absolutely love recurring contributors! However, we'd like to give new people discovering us more of a chance too :)
If you submit a piece that does not adhere to the submission guidelines, your piece will not be read, your submission will be automatically rejected, and you will be issued a warning. In the past we have been a bit more lenient with submissions that didn't meet the requirements, however it becomes extremely hard for our editors to keep track. Please read all the guidelines on our website thoroughly including the number of pieces you are allowed to submit and the instructions on how to title your document.
Any piece that doesn't meet the guidelines will be put on a warning list, and if any single person gets three warnings they will be blacklisted from submitting to RTS. This also applies for people submitting our application form to closed positions (if a position is closed, it will be indicated on the application form itself).
Note: The only exceptions to this rule we will accept are with respect to word/line counts, and that is only for marginal differences (<100 words). If your piece exceeds the maximum word count, please DM our Instagram or email to make sure it's okay. Only after receiving our confirmation that it's okay to submit can you submit this piece without receiving a warning.
Facts & Questions
All Your Questions Answered In One Place
Why should I submit?
If you wrote a story that you're really proud of, or created an art piece you adore, and want more people to read and see it, we highly encourage you to submit. We understand how difficult it can be to put yourself and your work out there, but we're also young writers who started from humble beginnings, so we hope you trust us and take a chance. At RTS, we review all the pieces and provide individual feedback for all of them (only if requested for). We also take very good care of your piece (check this post for more motivation to submit!). No matter whether we decide to publish your piece or not, rest be assured that we will treat it with the respect it deserves, and make sure you're on the right track of your publishing journey <3
Who can submit?
The aim of our magazine is to provide a platform for young and marginalized artists. We hope Rewrite The Stars Review serves as a platform for amateur artists where they can publish for the first time and use this magazine as a stepping stone into the formal literary world. Although we predominantly publish work by young artists in the age group 13-25, we do believe that there is no age for someone to begin writing. We will consider work from older creators, however we may prioritize publishing work by writers submitting for the first time, rather than authors with an extensive publication history. That being said, we encourage artists and writers from any part of the world to submit!
What/When can I submit?
We have submissions to our magazine which publishes quarterly. Check this page for more details. For our issues, we accept fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, visual art and photography.
We accept submissions to our blog year round! We are looking for articles about the reading and writing community, whether this be your hot take on a popular trope or a rant about literary magazine rejections. Check this page for more details.
Apart from these, we also will occasionally be having special events and contests! More details on this are published on our socials, follow us on instagram for updates <3