Rewrite The Stars
Issue II: Beyond The Shores
January 2023

What do the shores symbolize for you? What is your safety line, beyond which is the vast and unknown ocean? And what does it mean to you to cross the comfort of the shore and venture beyond?
For RTS's second issue, we invted artists to submit pieces that revolved around the shores, whether this be literal or figurative. We asked them to let their imagination run wild and send us their best work!
This issue brings you wonderful pieces by contributors, ranging from all genres and types - from haiku to free verse, science-fiction to historical fantasy, this issue has it all! Click the link below to read their beautiful works.

Creative Non-Fiction
Maitri Sheth
Love and Hate, Shores and Waves
Whispers of the Waves of the Past
Ines Mueller
The Nightmarish Beach
Laila Asberry
I Dream Of Dry Oceans
Yue Hua
As The Ocean Meets The Sand
Lucy Claire
Summertime Tragedy
M. Dickson
My Love, My Sea
Anika Garg
Mehek Tripathy
Touch of Darkness
A Seashell Of Passion
Jason Wu
Defender Of The Shores
Allison Kwan

Featured Indie Authors
Suelite Constance
Ten Past Two
Lara Jane Robinson
The Granger Girls