Rewrite The Stars
Issue VII: Arcane Arcades
April 2024

Throughout history, humans have found ways to entertain themselves. The oldest board game in the world, Mancala, was invented in 6000 BCE. Europe during the Middle Age was filled with games of skill and outdoor games. There's even archaeological evidence to suggest prehistoric people played some form of games.
No matter where you're from or how old you are or what you do in life, you would have played games. Video games, word games, traditional games, online games, board games... the list is endless.
In this issue, we wanted to talk about these games. What do these games symbolize for people? Are they merely a respite from the grueling days of mundanity? Are they a form of connection to our community, and a way for us to bond with the people around us?
Do they remind us of lives once lived, moments we'll never get back again? Do people like words and love giving our brains mental challenges?
We wanted to hear about this source of entertainment. We asked our readers to choose a single game, or talk about games as a whole. We asked them to write as an observer, or from the point of view of inside a game itself.
Our readers went above and beyond with their works. We hope this curation of pieces reminds you of games you have played with your loved ones, times forever enshrined in your memories. Take the opportunity to immerse yourselves in the arcades of games our pieces will explore. Happy or sad, funny or serious, silly or stupid, we have it all.
Miguel Barrios
After Tag
E.S Merritt
Game of Hearts
Z. Hutchings
Survive--Stay Alive, Winner Takes All and The beauty of a game
Robin Pearson
Snakes and Adders
Nostalgic Nights
Ila. S
Open Settings?,
Nintendo Switch Controllers and
Blocky Heart
W.E Everhart
Digital Odyssey: A Gaming Journey
Christopher Arkwright
Pokémon is my faith in humanity
M.S. Blues
where a kid can be a kid
Devon Webb
the game of being a teenage girl
Doll House (Staff Contribution)
I am no expert at chess
Adia Reynolds
Blind Man's Bluff
Game Over
The Game of Life
Arianna Kanji
Inhumanity 101
51 Standard (Minus an Ace)
Game Fuel
The Deadliest Wish
Sera Amoroso
The Makria Cycle-Torsion