Rewrite The Stars
YPW Literary Magazine Fair
Young Poets Workshops is hosting a community-wide Literary Magazine Fair for young poets between the ages of 13-22 featuring a variety of youth-led literary magazines and writing community members. We hope to bring a stronger sense of inclusion and accessibility to the submission process while bridging the distance between submitters and magazines through this event, while cultivating new connections and passions.
Join a diverse, passionate community of young writers for a literary magazine fair hosted by Young Poets Workshops! 8 literary magazines/presses are represented throughout 4 panels and workshops over the span of 48 hours, complete with an expedited response period and raffles!
Literary organizations being represented arc Fleeting Daze Magazine, kith books, Eucalyptus Lit, and Winged Penny Review. There will be two youth-run literary magazine panels answering questions about their magazines, submissions, and more, a workshop by Rewrite the Stars on submitting for beginners featuring a submit-a-thon, and a panel by kith books on challenges
for queer and disabled writers/publishers and holding your own in the
publishing process.
Throughout these events, the expedited submission period of 48 hours will allow all registered attendees to submit to the following literary magazines for an expedited response/feedback: kith books, Sophon Lit, Fleeting Daze, healthline zine, Rewrite the Stars Review, Eucalyptus Lit, and Winged Penny Review. A raffle for 4 mini-grants of $25 each will be hosted throughout the
fair for all attendees.
Event Schedule:
Saturday, August 17th 2024
9:00 a.m. EST Expedited Submission Period starts (ends 9:00 a.m. EST August 19th)
11:00 a.m. EST Rewrite the Stars Workshop
3:00 p.m. EST Youth Lit Mag Panel 1 — Rewrite the Stars, Fleeting Daze, healthline zine, Aster Lit
Sunday, August 18th 2024
3:00 p.m. EST Youth Lit Mag Panel 2 — Winged Penny Review, Eucalyptus Lit, Sophon Lit
7:00 p.m. EST kith books panel
Open and free to all young poets aged 13-22!